Translator: Eduardo Freire Canosa
(University of Toronto Alumnus)
I grant the translations herein to the public domain
Republican 1. Sons of the People 2. The Internationale (Spanish version) 3. Riego's Anthem 4. Long Live the Fifth Regiment 5. If You Want To Write To Me 6. The Crossing of the Ebro River 7. Anthem of the International Brigades Nationalist 8. Song of the Legionnaire 9. Death's Fiancé 10. Oriamendi 11. With the Sun On My Face |
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Sons of the People |
Hijo del pueblo: Te oprimen cadenas
Trabajador: No más sufrir, |
Son of the people: Chains oppress you
Worker: Suffer no more, |
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The Internationale (Spanish version) |
Arriba, parias de la Tierra.
Del pasado hay que hacer añicos,
Agrupémonos todos,
Ni en dioses, reyes ni tribunos,
Para hacer que el tirano caiga
Agrupémonos todos,
La ley nos burla y el Estado
Basta ya de tutela odiosa,
Agrupémonos todos, |
Stand up, pariahs of Earth.
Legion of slaves risen up to win:
Let us join together
Neither in gods, kings nor tribunes
To make the tyrant fall
Let us join together
The law mocks us and the State
Enough of loathsome tutoring
Let us join together |
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Riego's Anthem |
Serenos y alegres, valientes y osados,
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid.
El mundo vio nunca, más noble osadía,
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid.
La trompa guerrera sus ecos al viento,
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid. |
Serene and cheerful, brave and daring,
Soldiers, the homeland summons us to the fight.
The world never saw more noble boldness
Soldiers, the homeland summons us to the fight.
The war-horn's echoes in the wind—
Soldiers, the homeland summons us to the fight. |
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Long Live the Fifth Regiment |
El dieciocho de julio en el patio de un convento
Anda jaleo, jaleo, ya se acabó el alboroto,
Con Lister y Campesino, con Galán y con Modesto,
Anda jaleo, jaleo, ya se acabó el alboroto,
Con los cuatro batallones que a Madrid están defendiendo
Anda jaleo, jaleo, ya se acabó el alboroto,
Con el quinto, quinto, quinto, con el quinto regimiento,
Anda jaleo, jaleo, ya se acabó el alboroto, |
On July the eighteenth in the yard of a convent
There is trouble, trouble, the shouting is over
With Lister and Campesino, with Galán and with Modesto,
There is trouble, trouble, the shouting is over
With the four battalions that are defending Madrid
There is trouble, trouble, the shouting is over
With the Fifth Fifth Fifth, with the Fifth Regiment
There is trouble, trouble, the shouting is over |
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If You Want To Write To Me |
Si me quieres escribir ya sabes mi paradero: (bis)
Aunque me tiren el puente y también la pasarela, (bis)
Diez mil veces que los tiren, diez mil veces los haremos. (bis)
Si me quieres escribir ya sabes mi paradero: (bis) |
If you want to write to me you already know my address: (twice)
Although they take down the bridge and the pontoon bridge also, (twice)
Ten thousand times they wreck them, ten thousand times we'll build them. (twice)
If you want to write to me you already know my address: (twice) |
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The Crossing of the Ebro River |
El Ejército del Ebro, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis)
Y a las tropas invasoras, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis)
El furor de los traidores, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis)
Pero nada pueden bombas, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis)
Contraataques muy rabiosos, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis)
Pero igual que combatimos, rumba la rumba la rumba ba, (bis) |
The Army of the Ebro, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice)
And gave a sound thrashing, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice)
The fury of the traitors, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice)
But bombs can do nothing, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice)
We will have to resist, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice)
But just as we have fought, roombah la roombah la roombah bah, (twice) |
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Anthem of the International Brigades |
País lejano nos ha visto nacer,
Camaradas, cubrid los parapetos
Libre España de castas opresoras,
Generales traidores a su patria |
A faraway country has seen our birth,
Comrades, defend the ramparts
Freed Spain from oppressive castes,
Generals betrayers of their homeland |
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Song of the Legionnaire |
Soy valiente y leal legionario,
Legionario, legionario
¡Legionarios a luchar, legionarios a morir!
Somos héroes incógnitos todos,
Legionario, legionario
¡Legionarios a luchar, legionarios a morir! |
I am a valiant and loyal legionnaire,
Legionnaire, legionnaire,
To fight, legionnaires! To die, legionnaires!
We are anonymous heroes everyone,
Legionnaire, legionnaire,
To fight, legionnaires! To die, legionnaires! |
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Death's Fiancé |
Nadie en el Tercio sabía
Nadie sabía su historia,
Y si alguno quién era le preguntaba,
Soy un hombre a quien la suerte
Cuando más recio era el fuego
Y sin temer al empuje
Y al regar con su sangre la tierra ardiente,
Soy un hombre a quien la suerte
Cuando al fin le recogieron,
Y aquella carta decía:
Y en el último beso que la enviaba
Por ir a tu lado a verte, |
No one in the Tercio knew
No one knew his story
And if someone asked him who he was
"I am a man whom fate
When the firefight was heaviest
And without fearing the thrust
And as he doused the hot earth with his blood
"I am a man whom fate
When at last they recovered his body
And that letter read,
And in the last kiss he sent her
To go see you and be beside you, |
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Oriamendi |
Por Dios, por la patria y el Rey
Lucharemos todos juntos,
Cueste lo que cueste
Por Dios, por la patria y el Rey |
For God, country and the King
We will fight all together,
Cost what it may
For God, country and the King |
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With the Sun On My Face |
Cara al sol con la camisa nueva
Formaré junto a mis compañeros
Si te dicen que caí,
Volverán banderas victoriosas
Volverá a reír la primavera,
Arriba escuadras a vencer |
With the sun on my face and the new shirt
I'll be in formation with my comrades
If they tell you that I fell
There shall return flags victorious
There shall laugh again the springtime
Arise, squadrons, to win |